If you are ture sai lover then you would surly love these sai baba ki photos and shirdi sai baba ki beautiful hd photos gallery. Before downloading and sharing Sai Baba’s photos, it is important to know some important things about them. Saibaba is said to be the best saint. There is a very big temple of Sai Baba in Shirdi, hence Sai Baba is also known as Sai Baba of Shirdi. Nothing is known about the birth of Saibaba, nor is it known about his being a Hindu or a Muslim. Saibaba is the first saint whose Hindus and Muslims worship equally. People of Hindu religion worship Saibaba, and people of Muslim religion go to the Samadhi of Saibaba and pray. Thursday is considered the day of Saibaba and people worship them on this day.
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